Learning Outcomes
Please describe the learning outcomes of the course: Knowledge, skills and abilities acquired after the successful completion of the course.
Upon completion of the course, students will be familiar with Linear Drawing which is the first stage of architectural design in which the designer's thoughts are accurately captured on paper, whether it is the design of buildings, exterior and interior spaces, or any other object. They will be able to draw to scale buildings and interiors, etc., familiar with the technical terms of line drawing and the use of drawing instruments, so that gradually, using the 'language of drawing', they will be able to render in a geometric way (plan, section, elevation) and to scale what they are studying. They will then be able to 'represent' their drawing in 3D space to scale by constructing models. Through this knowledge they will develop their creative and critical thinking and develop their artistic inspiration and imagination, utilising the technical terms they will be taught that will help them to realise their ideas.
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
• Design buildings, interiors and objects to scale.
• To represent in a three-dimensional way drawings in the form of a model.
• Engage in fruitful and creative interaction with each other and between teacher-students.
• Exploit and expand their expressive and construction skills.
• Communicate and collaborate with each other to create both independent and group work.
• Sharpen their critical thinking on issues related to art and culture.
• Independent work.
• Group work.
• Generation of new ideas and their artistic realization.
• Respect for diversity and multiculturalism of expression and creativity.
• Critical thinking.